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104-160% after 1 day or 125-500% after 5 days or 20000-30000% after 25 days
Min/Max: $20 / $100000
Referral: 7-2-2%
Withdrawal: Instant
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Our Investment: $170.00
Payout Ratio: 5%
Last Payout: Jan 15th, 2018
Added: Jan 15th, 2018
Monitored: 5 days
Lifetime: 5 days
For many years INVPoker has been specializing in making investments from the gaming entertainment market and now announces the launch of a special offer for potential investors. Command invites to mutually beneficial cooperation all interested in obtaining a stable high profit from personal investment and guarantees quick payback of each investment Russian roubles. The gambling industry is one of the most stable lines of business in terms of profitability. There are no sharp downturns that are inevitable in other areas of activity when the financial and economic situation in a single country or world. And poker is the most promising area of the legal sector of the gaming industry, since the game is popular and has a multi-million army of fans on all continents of the planet.
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