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120% after 1 day or 170% after 3 days or 400% after 10 days or 1000% after 20 days or 3000% after 40 days or 5000% after 60 days
Min/Max: $25 / $50000
Referral: 3%
Withdrawal: Manual
Users Rating:
Our Investment: $200.00
Payout Ratio: 21%
Last Payout: Aug 20th, 2018
Added: Aug 19th, 2018
Monitored: 6 days
Lifetime: 6 days
Eagle Fondation, a company listed on Nasdaq Baltic stock exchange, is the leading financer for small and medium enterprises in the EU. With a 100% focus of servicing only small and medium sized companies we are able to provide financing that serves as a addition to capital available from commercial banks or state support instruments. Since foundation of Eagle Fondation in 2007 we have issued financing to more than 1000 companies and consulted more than 100 businesses in various financial matters. Among our clients have been small businesses with only few employees to large multi-national companies.
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