Not Paying
101.5% after 1 day or 2.4% daily for 20 days (+principal) or 400% after 10 days or 400% after 30 days
Min/Max: $20 / $50000
Referral: 1%
Withdrawal: Manual
Users Rating:
Our Investment: $60.00
Payout Ratio: 44%
Last Payout: Nov 19th, 2018
Added: Oct 11th, 2018
Monitored: 46 days
Lifetime: 46 days
Our primary focus is the acquisition of private firms and subsidiaries. With your help, this process is greatly improved and the impact is much stronger because of the joint effort in the counter-bidding of other offers in the course of acquiring businesses. We participate in the buying of privately-owned companies by outbidding other potential buyers and later, following the acquisition of the private firms, we profit from selling the stock.
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Good xxxxx@gmail.com
Nov 19th, 2018 05:31 PM
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Very Good heatstreak
Nov 14th, 2018 01:09 AM
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