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7% daily for 16 days
Min/Max: $20 / $500
Referral: 1%
Withdrawal: Instant
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Our Investment: $120.00
Payout Ratio: 91%
Last Payout: Dec 5th, 2018
Added: Nov 8th, 2018
Monitored: 31 days
Lifetime: 31 days
evzacoin is a company specializing in trading on stock markets. The main sales tool are cryptoactives. We work with qualified professionals to provide our users with passive income. Trading on the exchange involves risks, especially without the knowledge and basics of trading, but at the same time, the cryptocurrency remains one of the most profitable investments and sources of income over time. Many investors have not yet found the right strategy, or cryptocurrency investment techniques. At evzacoin, your funds are under reliable financial monitoring and control — a platform on which experience and analytics are mixed together to ensure profit. A team of experienced professionals implemented the most intuitive investment methods and opened up a platform for investing in digital assets and receiving interest on their investments. The interface is designed for maximum ease of use, without the requirement of special knowledge in the field of information technology. evzacoin is specifically focused on cryptocurrency trading, our specialists positively assess the potential and most of the investment portfolio is directed specifically to buying / selling cryptocurrency on the exchange. Together with us you will be able to profitably place your capital, receive a stable passive income and assemble a team of like-minded partners. All investors have equal rights, and only profits are distributed according to the tariff plan and its terms. Choose the right one and join the group of successful businessmen.
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Good xxxxx@gmail.com
Nov 19th, 2018 05:11 PM
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