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0.5-0.7% daily
Min/Max: $15 / $100
Referral: 10%
Withdrawal: Instant
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Our Investment: $50.00
Payout Ratio: 38%
Last Payout: Jan 28th, 2018
Added: Dec 1st, 2017
Monitored: 62 days
Lifetime: 67 days
Adsyoutraffic is professional team of foreign exchange trading company, legally registered in terms of international law. The company has already gained 9 year forex investing experience. Employing long-term or short-term investment strategy or technical analysis, the foreign exchange trading team of the company can always help customers to trade in a safest way and with maximum return. Whether you want to make stable profits or higher, we can customize a set of safe trading mechanism to meet your demand for profits.
PerfectMoney Payeer
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