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Min/Max: $10 / $150000
Referral: 6%
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Our Investment: $240.00
Payout Ratio: 79%
Last Payout: Jul 10th, 2018
Added: Jun 12th, 2018
Monitored: 37 days
Lifetime: 48 days
My name is Omar Arochob from the Sky Living Group at Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate, and I'm a REALTOR who knows how to harness the power of the Internet, social media, video, email, and text messages to provide exceptional service and results. The days when it was enough to stick a sign on the front lawn, run a few newspaper ads, and list the home in the local MLS are long gone. Today, over 85% of home searches begin online, making the development and skilled implementation of an effective Internet marketing strategy an absolute imperative. We will showcase your property on multiple search engine optimized Web sites and use ads, blogs, RSS feeds, video, social media, and email blasts to promote your home to prospective buyers and their agents. Our print advertising and marketing material also feature a Web address, allowing home shoppers to access additional information, photographs, and virtual tours of your property in a matter of minutes.
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