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Our Investment: $60.00
Payout Ratio: 5%
Last Payout: Jul 14th, 2018
Added: Jul 2nd, 2018
Monitored: 17 days
Lifetime: 23 days
Turkey Partners Holdings is a holding company which is the Republic of Turkey. Turkey Partners Holdings, which belongs to the Republic of Turkey in Bursa city Muğla Balıkesir operates. In Bursa has 8798 sqm closed area, 3278 sqm open textile facility and 6426 sqm closed area, 2907 reverse open industrial automotive supplier industry plants. Gold and stock agency employment in Istanbul and construction in istanbul In Muğla Wind energy plants exist and total 37 megawatts. 3478 square meters closed area in Izmir 1267 There are wind energy plants in Balikesir and total 48 megawatts. Turkey Contractors Partners has 28 shares in the company operating the Industry and industrial sectors jointly build the Republic of Turkey and has at least 55% shares of this stock. Our goal is to earn profits from all the sectors in which we operate, you can trust us.Turkey Holdings Partners Profits from these investments are used to enhance our program and increase its stability for the long term.
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