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102.5% after 1 day or 115% after 5 days or 137.5% after 10 days or 195% after 20 days
Min/Max: $25 / $10000
Referral: 6%
Withdrawal: Instant
Users Rating:
Our Investment: $200.00
Payout Ratio: 10%
Last Payout: Jul 17th, 2018
Added: Jul 13th, 2018
Monitored: 9 days
Lifetime: 9 days
The company "HollaCash" is a control structure of the network of jewellery stores all over the world. We present our projects in the markets of Europe, America and Asia. We also possess commercial real estate all over the world and we are the leaders in this field. Why is it profitable to invest with us? Everything is easy. Jewellery, precious metals, and stones will always be at a premium. This market soars at 7 percent annually. The "beauty and prestige" are always of good value, and the demand for it is increasing every day. Jewellery business is one of the few in the world that increases steadily! On our part, we offer our investors to develop and make money with us. Everyone will feel comfortable using the investment plans developed by us. Any investor will select the plan suiting him completely.
PerfectMoney Payeer Bitcoin AdvCash Litecoin
SSL DDOS Original script
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Rating Info Comment
Very Bad xxxxx@gmail.com
Jul 17th, 2018 06:42 PM
по стате выплатил, а на кошель ничего не пришло! админ удаляет людей из чата говорит типа у меня нет активного депозита и больше не отвечяет

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