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13% daily for 10 days
Min/Max: $10 / $30000
Referral: 10%
Withdrawal: Instant
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Our Investment: $60.00
Payout Ratio: 54%
Last Payout: Oct 26th, 2018
Added: Oct 22nd, 2018
Monitored: 7 days
Lifetime: 7 days
Are you ready to go up while Bitcoin is going down? Aren't you fed up with watching Bitcoin charts and dreaming about Bitcoin going "to the Moon" while seeing a reflection of the Moon in a puddle? Perhaps it will get "to the Moon" some day, but are you sure you will still be young and full of energy by that time? Aren't you tired of the numberless "experts" telling you to buy as much Bitcoin as you can and hold, hold, hold it patiently because some day (maybe tomorrow and maybe by 5000 A.D.) it will go to the Moon? Everyone wants easy money, that's natural. But money doesn't come from nowhere. To make your account increased by an amount, somebody else must have his or her account decreased by the same amount, so while you're buying and holding Bitcoin, somebody else must be ruining his future by selling Bitcoin all the time. Isn't that ridiculous? Money loves working, money hates being idle! So don't bury Bitcoin in lodes — invest it! Investing is the only way to get real profit here and now! Of course if you choose a good investment opportunity! Satoshi Cash is the right place to invest your Bitcoin and earn good profit at reasonable risks.
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