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104-130% after 1 day or 118-220% after 3 days or 130-300% after 5 days or 180-600% after 10 days or 340-1400% after 20 days or 820-4000% after 40 days
Min/Max: $20 / $50000
Referral: 5%
Withdrawal: Manual
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Our Investment: $200.00
Payout Ratio: 6%
Last Payout: Jan 10th, 2019
Added: Jan 8th, 2019
Monitored: 5 days
Lifetime: 5 days
The design and construction of skyscrapers involve creating safe, habitable spaces in very tall buildings. The buildings must support their weight, resist wind and earthquakes, and protect occupants from fire. Yet they must also be conveniently accessible, even on the upper floors, and provide utilities and a comfortable climate for the occupants. The problems posed in skyscraper design are considered among the most complex encountered given the balances required between economics, engineering, and construction management. We specialize in complex and prestigious construction and infrastructure projects. Our portfolio includes some of the world's most iconic landmarks, from super high-rise luxury developments, to five star hotels, hospitals and intricately sophisticated smart buildings. Sky Construction uses all reasonable efforts in order that the company's business was the most transparent and available to all participants. In this regard our investment offers are simple and at the same time are effective tools which will allow any person to take a part in investing process, even without having for this purpose the special knowledge and skills. Availability and democratic character of the cooperation conditions for participants from any country - our main mission which we intend to realize in the long term investment cooperation.
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