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103-110% after 1 day or 111-135% after 3 days or 145-280% after 10 days or 245-500% after 24 days or 1200% after 45 days
Min/Max: $10 / No Limit
Referral: 4%
Withdrawal: Manual
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Our Investment: $200.00
Payout Ratio: 0%
Last Payout: No Payouts
Added: Jan 19th, 2019
Monitored: 3 days
Lifetime: 3 days
Bit Equity is the leading blockchain investment firm and one of the largest institutional owners of cryptocurrencies. Our mission is to act as the catalyst for widespread blockchain adoption and innovation. Exclusively focused on investing in blockchain technologies, Bit Equity team is experienced in both traditional finance and emergent blockchain technology. Having strong relationships with some of the most promising entrepreneurs and other top investors in the space, Bit Equity is fulfilling its strategic investment philosophy by building a diversified portfolio and bringing industry-specific value-add resources to its portfolio companies. Within the next several years, we envision blockchains and digital currencies having an established, responsibly managed, and regulated role in the global economy, soon after disintermediating a myriad of industries.
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