Not Paying
117.5% after 24 hours or 122.8% after 3 days or 153% after 5 days
Min/Max: $22 / $200000
Referral: 5%
Withdrawal: Manual
Users Rating:
Our Investment: $120.00
Payout Ratio: 59%
Last Payout: Jul 23rd, 2019
Added: Jul 22nd, 2019
Monitored: 5 days
Lifetime: 28 days
Finesse Invest Finesse, a Global Top System Integration company’ & winner of several accolades and awards provides Technology Solutions and services to Banking, Education, Energy, Healthcare, Hospitality and Retail segments. Finesse helps their clients to optimize their business processes, reducing costs and assets. With proven over 13 years experience and deep industry-specific expertise, Our Solutions and Services are exceptionally qualified to deliver innovation with measurable performance. It brings together advanced technology, robust, Binary options, investement, infrastructure, a large pool of talent and a proven global delivery model to provide a wide range of IT services to its clients cost-effectively and seamlessly. It believes in delivering tangible value through Cloud-Ready Solutions, Mobile Devices and Social Media Platforms. We stand to build a world-class institution to positively impact the lives of people around us. We strive to offer the best trading platforms with access to low-cost pricing, reliable trading infrastructure, fast execution and exceptional client support. The company’s activities are based on investing in currency exchange and cryptocurrency exchanges around the world. The income of investors is formed on commissions from exchange operations and reaches 3.7% of profit per day. For the convenience of investors with the company and expanding the geography of its activities, the launch of the investment online platform Finesse Invest took place on June 29, 2019.
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Very Bad heatstreak
Jul 24th, 2019 08:55 AM
Осторожно !. Эта программа больше не платит. Мой вывод средств находится на рассмотрении в течение последних 3 дней, и даже мои отзывы рефера
Very Good CashGirlBlog
Jul 23rd, 2019 05:26 AM
The project is paying. Excellent project. I’m here since a week.

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