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6-10% daily for 3 months
Min/Max: $1 / $10000
Referral: No
Withdrawal: Automatic
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Our Investment: $60.00
Payout Ratio: 0%
Last Payout: No Payouts
Added: Nov 6th, 2020
Monitored: 8 days
Lifetime: 8 days
“Bank of Stratton” was founded and started its operations in 2019. Today it is an investment company that occupies a leading position in the market. We had the opportunity to become an investor and business partner for several startups, and the results of cooperation with them exceeded our wildest expectations. In our company, the way of earning is clear. At “Bank of Stratton” we are in the business of providing short-term loans. We offer you to invest money in our company and receive an increased percentage of profit during the agreed period. We will issue short-term loans using your money, and you will receive interest on your Deposit without doing anything (from 6% up to 10% per day). Let’s become partners in this very moment. Make your money work FOR you.
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