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0.2% daily for 100 days (+principal)
Min/Max: $50 / $1000
Referral: 3%
Withdrawal: Manual
Users Rating:
Our Investment: $117.00
Payout Ratio: 96%
Last Payout: Mar 27th, 2023
Added: Nov 22nd, 2021
Monitored: 515 days
Lifetime: 536 days
Due to the accumulated experience (including acquisition of proven strategies), the project team has long been closely connected with exchange trading on the cryptocurrency market. This allowed us to increase our own capital in a short time. Our goal now is to enter bigger platforms and use powerful tools that will give us unlimited opportunities to make money. Therefore, we decided to launch an online platform to attract private investments that will help us accelerate the expansion process and implement global plans to develop the platform as soon as possible. The main launch of the platform is planned for 2023.
PerfectMoney Bitcoin TetherTRC20 Ethereum Litecoin
SSL DDOS Original script
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