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0.4% daily for 4 days (+principal) 102% after 4 days
Min/Max: $10 / $500
Referral: 1%
Withdrawal: Manual
Users Rating:
Our Investment: $80.00
Payout Ratio: 15%
Last Payout: Oct 11th, 2022
Added: Aug 30th, 2022
Monitored: 49 days
Lifetime: 479 days
HQfund, was founded in 2019 by Charles Patrick, Maria, David Lee as these founders sought to fund their own causes and ideas. Today, more people visit the HQfund site on a daily basis where about to invest and earn profits daily and Monthly based plans. With HQfund, which is available in countries and territories, you can choose your plan and invest based on the profit and days you look on short term or long term investments.To get started with HQfund the base minimum was from $20 funding using the site, you can also have additional Referral commission from the platform depends on your investment. To help you get started, we researched and reviewed the plans which will bring profits from our platform. Invest and make profit daily with our platform where you get Endless Returns!
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